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The Embassy of Grace
Pastor Randolph E. Daniels, Sr.
Prophetess Daisy S. Daniels
As we continue to try to find our way out of this Coronavirus pandemic,
God is calling us to draw closer to Him; to find safety, security, protection and
His promises.
It will be crucial this year that we're in covenant with the Father and in agreement with His will for our lives (to receive His faithful promises according to Psalm 91).
This year will be a year of blessings
for the those who dwell in the secret place of the Most High.

Randolph E. Daniels, Sr.
Senior Pastor
Daisy S. Daniels
The Embassy of Grace is a global humanitarian organization that is committed to extending a helping hand to those in need.
Thanksgiving is a time for food, family, and fellowship. Many of our families have the fellowship and family; however, some lack food.
With the "THANKSGIVING FOOD DRIVE" we can make it possible for families to have a turkey on their table.
Our goal is to provide turkeys to families who are in need of a helping hand, so that they too, can complete the equation: food, family, and fellowship.
Christmas is a time when all children look forward to getting toys. Unfortunately, all children don't get toys. Some children are less fortunate than others, which doesn't allow them to get toys.
With "TOYS FOR CHRISTMAS" we can change that. We can make it possible for some of these children to get toys this year.
Our goal is to provide new, unwrapped toys to children for Christmas this year, so they can have a Merry Christmas as well.
Many families do not have the bare necessities of basic clothing. Fortunately, we have the opportunity to do something about it.
With "CLOTHE ME," we'll focus on assisting less fortunate families with a positive self-image and confidence.
Our goal is to provide gently used clothes for families who find it difficult to provide for themselves due to the rising cost of living.
Many families; youth, young adults, and adults alike, have in some way been affected by someone who has unfortunately come in contact with the law by way of criminal or unlawful behavior.
And consequently, these individuals have had to pay for the crimes that they have committed by spending time in prison.
As a result of our men and women being removed from their homes, families are affected tremendously.
Therefore, it is our desire to assist with the transition of these individuals by getting back on the right track.
It is our goal to visit these individuals while in prison to provide encouragement, motivation, and empowerment with sound teachings that will allow them to either establish, maintain, and/or grow in their relationship with Christ.
According to Luke chapter ten, verses one and two, Jesus chose seventy-two disciples to go out two by two into every place that He would enter. He said, "The harvest is plentiful, but the labors are few."
Therefore, the focus of this ministry is to evangelize the lost, unchurched for the advancement of the kingdom of God.
This ministry focuses on praying to the Lord of the harvest, asking Him to send more workers into His fields to help us do the work that we've been sent to do: preach The Kingdom of God.
It is our goal to train the men and women of God by empowering them with power and authority to preach the message of the kingdom of God and send them out into the harvest field to evangelize.
As students brace themselves to say goodbye to their summer freedom and head back to school, their parents brace themselves to say good by to their paycheck.
The back to school shopping season is the second-largest seasonal shopping period of the year in terms of consumer spending.
As a result of the rise in cost and the continued growth in the "BACK TO SCHOOL" arena (electronics, apparel, supplies and other school needs) families on average have spent 42 percent more on school items over the past 10 years.
It is our goal to help offset some of the cost for these "back to school" items by providing the students with the SUPPLIES and TOOLS they need to be successful during the school year.
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